Accreditation and Certification
The programs offered by our schools are accessible through initial and continuing education, work-study programs, apprenticeship, or placement, thanks to a common and international academic system that complies with the European Bachelor / Masters / Doctorate degree framework standards. The degrees and certificates that are awarded range from vocational high school degrees to master’s degrees and continuing education certificates. Most are recognized by France's Ministry of Higher Education or certified by France's Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Insertion.

France Compétences and the french national framework for professional qualifications (RNCP)

Created on January 1, 2019, in accordance with the French law of September 5, 2018, guaranteeing the freedom to choose one's professional future, France Compétences aims to ensure the funding, regulation, supervision, and assessment of professional training and apprenticeship programs in France.
Its actions promote the acquisition of news skills, obtainment of certifications, and equal access to professional training for all employees.
One of France Compétences' main responsibilities is handling applications for registration with the French National Framework for Professional Qualifications (RNCP). Certifications registered with the RNCP have been proven, through an in-depth assessment process, to prepare students for a particular profession, by ensuring the acquisition of relevant core skills which are organized into groups and assessed.
Registration with the RNCP is granted by a commission, after verification that the certification holders are indeed employed in the targeted profession and earn a salary that corresponds to the certification. Certification registration can be renewed after review of the renewal application, every 5 years maximum and is published in the Official French Government Journal, with specific mention of the level of qualification (from 1 to 7).
Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) schools and training centers have opted for this system of professional certification. Students and company employees in continuing education programs who have successfully completed their degree programs will receive a diploma that mentions the references of the certification they have obtained.
French Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE)
The French Conférence des Grandes Écoles is an elite, higher education association that was created in 1973. Its close to 300 member schools are all recognized by the French government and confer Master's level degrees.
The Conférence des Grandes Écoles is an accreditation body granting quality certification based on the academic excellence, employment outcomes of graduates, and international focus of accredited programs.
The CGE is also a Think Tank, encouraging research and thoughtful reflection on the topics of education, employability, mobility of young people, and entrepreneurship. The CGE also provides representation with national authorities, public administrations, and economic and social institutions on a national level.
ICD Business School is a member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
Grade of Master
The Master degree is a national degree, awarded by the French Ministry of High Education after completion of a graduate level course, typically granted after 5 years of study after high school. The Master is part of the European LMD (Licence-Master-Doctorat) system, meaning Bachelor-Master-Doctorate. The grade of Master may be conferred by public universities or by certain private schools that have been accredited by the French government.
ICD Business School and the ESAM school's DSCG degree confer the grades of Master.
"Visa" Endorsed Degrees
"Visa" endorsed degrees in France refer to those degrees that have received endorsement by the CEFDG (National Commission for the Evaluation of Management Programmes and Qualifications), representing the Ministry of Higher Education. This endorsement attests to the quality of the program.
Program assessment by the Ministry takes into consideration recruitment processes, program content, quality of teaching, and graduation requirements. Endorsed degrees enable students, among other things, to obtain equivalencies with foreign degrees. A "visa", or endorsement, is granted to a school for a maximum period of 6 years, after which time it may be renewed.
Groupe IGENSIA Education's (formerly Groupe IGS) ICD Business School confers government endorsed degrees.
Recognition from the french government
Private schools in France may obtain official recognition from the government, following an assessment carried out by the Ministry of Education. The evaluation process evaluates facilities, teaching and learning practices, infrastructures, and the school’s financial and administrative management.
This recognition enables students to qualify for financial aid programs and CROUS benefits.
Two Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) schools, IGS-RH and the ICD Business School, are both recognized by the French government.
Quality Assurance

For the past several years, our schools have put into place a quality improvement process and their commitment has been acknowledged multiple times. In order to continue improving our programs and services, we are available to receive any comment, suggestion, or complaint you would like to share. Feel free to contact us.