Our code of conduct and professionnal ethics
For the past almost 50 years, we have been driven by an ambitious vision of higher education, one committed to improving employability, facilitating career placement, and promoting inclusion in the workplace. Building on our core values of engagement, humanism, and open-mindedness, we are dedicated to a mission of successfully combining all differences.
As a federation of independent, non-profit associations (in accordance with French law of 1901) that systematically strives to conduct business in a manner consistent with its values, Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) has chosen to adopt a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct that outlines the ethical principles that govern decisions and behavior within the organization.
Respecting the best practices described in the code will allow us to remain worthy of the trust placed in Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) by our faculty, staff, students, customers, suppliers, and all of our various stakeholders.
Download our Code of ethics and professionnal conduct - French version

Personal Data
Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) is committed to implementing this procedure in accordance with legislation that applies to personal data, specifically the European Regulation 2016/679 and the amended French Data Protection and Civil Liberties Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978.
As the data controller, Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) is responsible for processing data to ensure that any concerns of possible misconduct are reported and handled. Use of the whistleblowing system is voluntary.
The user of the whistleblowing system may ask the Data Controller, through the Data Protection Officer (DPO) whose contact information can be found below, for access to personal data and/or the rectification or deletion of said data, as defined in the EU Regulation No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. The user of the system is also informed of his/her right to object and/or to lodge a complaint with the CNIL (French Commission on Information Technology and Liberties).
Groupe IGENSIA Education's (formerly Groupe IGS) Data Protection Officer (DPO) can contacted by email at dpo@igensia.com or by letter at the following address: DPO - Délégué à la protection des données, 1 rue Jacques Bingen, 75017 Paris.
Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) publishes its professional gender equality index
Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) attaches great importance to both fairness and professional equality in its human resources policies.
Consequently, Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) has undertaken a pro-active and responsible approach to promoting professional equality for women and men, with the earnings index being one of the monitoring indicators.
In accordance with the French law of September 2018 guaranteeing the right to choose one's professional career, Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) publishes its gender equality index every year. The index measures 4 to 5 indicators including pay gaps, differences in rates of pay increases, gaps in promotion distributions (for organizations with 250 or more employees), percentages of women who received pay increases upon return from maternity leave, and the number of women and men in the 10 highest paid positions.
The results obtained by Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) for 2022 (March 2023) are as follows :
- Pay gap (in %): 33/40
(33 points obtained out of 40 maximum points of calculable indicators)
- Difference in individual pay increases (in % points): 20/20
(20 points obtained out of 20 maximum points of calculable indicators)
- Gaps in promotions (in % points) : 15/15
(15 points obtained out of 15 maximum points of calculable indicators)
- Percentage of employees who received pay increases upon return from maternity leave (%) 15/15
(15 points obtained out of 15 maximum points of calculable indicators)
- Number of employees of the underrepresented sex among the 10 highest earners: 0/10
(0 points obtained out of 10 maximum points of calculable indicators)
2022 Index: 83/100 (83 points obtained out of 100 maximum points of calculable indicators)
Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) is determined to improve its index score every year.
Consequently, a three-year action plan has been developed with union and management representatives within the scope of the collective labor agreement applying to gender equality and quality and conditions of work life signed on 5 December 2022 and the wage agreement signed on 6 January 2023. The plan includes:
- The creation of a specific budget to reduce pay differentials between men and women in similar professional circumstances;
- A 5% increase in the recruitment rate of men;
- Provide support and training for high-potential employees to promote women's access to leadership positions within the organization;
- Continue to provide equal access to professional training for all employees;
- Comply strictly with the principles outlined by the French Labor Code concerning salary increases upon return from maternity leave.