Disabilities in companies
We provide companies with the support they need to successfully bring disabled employees into the workplace.

Companies in France have a legal obligation to employ disabled workers. These legal requirements aim to encourage inclusive hiring practices and improve employment opportunities for the disabled.
Consequently, every company with at least 20 employees is legally required to employ disabled workers, in a number corresponding to 6 % of its total staff.
In addition, employers that recruit or employ disabled workers can benefit from services and financial resources through the French AGEFIPH association that promotes employment for the disabled.
80 %
of all disabilities are invisible
In 2021, only 1,4 % of work-study students were disabled
Only 1 %
of disabled workers use a wheelchair for mobility
Hand'IGS, Groupe IGENSIA Education's (formerly Groupe IGS) disability initiative

Hand'IGS, disability initiative
True to its values, Groupe IGS has sought to improve and promote employment opportunities for the disabled since the 1990s.
The group's Disability Initiative was created in 2008 to formalize the various actions in place to provide support for students and address their specific needs, in terms of both physical disabilities and mental health issues, in all of its educational and career placement programs.
Hand'IGS services
Hand'IGS offers many services to its corporate partners, including:
Sourcing and placement of student trainees : Hand’IGS helps companies define hiring needs and source candidates that meet key selection criteria.
Preparing the student's entry into the company : Hand'IGS ensures that students successfully transition into their new companies and assists managers and HR directors in adapting the workspace to accommodate the student's needs. In this way, starting the new job becomes much easier and both the trainee and employer will be able to move forward together in an inclusive and welcoming environment.
Providing assistance in securing funding : Hand'IGS helps its partner companies secure available funding related to hiring a disabled student trainee within their organization.
Promoting employer brand : By becoming partners of Hand'IGS, companies have an opportunity to participate in many corporate events, and specifically targeted recruitment events, making it possible to develop their employer brand and communicate on how they have successfully created an inclusive and diverse work environment.
Interested in learning more about the many Hand’IGS services offered to companies? Contact Aude Meynen at ameynen@igensia.com for more information.