Career mobility and transition
Mobility and professional transitions are major considerations in any career. Aware of the questions related to such changes, Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) assists people of all ages and all backgrounds in their professional development. From assessing skills to launching a brand-new career, our services provide the targeted support and expertise needed for successful professional transition.

Changing careers should not be left to chance but should be thought through with the help of expert advisors who can provide individual support and help identify the career choices that best correspond to each individual.

Since 1996, IGS Career Placement and Inclusion (formally known as ADIP) has helped job-seekers of all ages, both executives and employees, find employment or change careers.

Since 1989, the CBIO Center offers skill assessment and career counseling, as well as coaching services for individuals from all backgrounds and all business sectors.

Groupe IGENSIA Education's (formerly Groupe IGS) Center for Interprofessional Career Counseling provides high school and college students with support in determining their educational objectives.

Groupe IGS Assessment Center
A way to improve not only the recruitment process for work-study trainees but also the operational performance of employees.
Created in fall 2019, the Assessment Center offers companies applicants who have been selected and assessed for our work-study or continuing education programs.
The two-step applicant assessment process includes:
- Evaluation of the applicant’s abilities and motivation as aligned with the company’s expectations in terms of soft skills and potential.
- Situation analysis to measure skills that have already been acquired and those that applicants still need to acquire as relates to the targeted Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) program.
The results obtained during the process help to personalize the student’s educational program and attain program objectives, thus increasing the student’s chances of being hired after graduation. This service to companies combines the use of dedicated digital tools and debriefing sessions to discuss results with qualified instructors.
This strenghtened selection service ensures
A better success rate for student trainees at school and in their host companies
Educational programs that are adapted to the real needs of companies and students
Improved company satisfaction thanks to a better match of applicants with the company’s recruitment needs and an educational program adapted to the students' levels of ability
Guaranteed conformity with French OPQF and Qualiopi certification and traceability requirements
Director of the Groupe IGS Assessment Center
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