Our campuses

We have 3 campuses in France in Paris, Lyon, and Toulouse. Our campuses are equipped with modern facilities adapted to the needs of all students: learn more about them.

Campus Groupe IGS Paris

Our campus in Paris

Located in the 10th arrondissement, a stone’s throw from the Canal Saint Martin, the campus presents many advantages through its central location. Close to train stations (Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est), it is ideally located at the heart of a hotspot for Parisian culture, arts and nightlife.

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Campus Groupe IGS Lyon

Our campus in Lyon

The René Cassin Campus in Lyon, opened in 2004, groups together 24 schools including 10 establishments from the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) , and welcomes more than 6,000 students ranging in age from undergraduates to doctoral students.

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Campus Groupe IGS Toulouse

Our campus in Toulouse-Blagnac

Spread out over almost 4,000 m², our Toulouse-Blagnac campus brings our schools and programs together in a quality environment where all students can get the most out of their educational experience and the social, cultural, and athletic events organized for the campus community.

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Campus Maurice

The UIEH Campus in Mauritius

Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) is a partner of the Uniciti International Education Hub campus in Mauritius through unique programs offered by our American school, The American Business School of Paris.

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